I discovered our company's panty shot hot spot! A female office worker's black pantyhose shows her panty shots, and she gets seduced and can't get her job done! ! While I was hiding my erection and looking at the panty shots... a female office worker grabbed me and started to tease me with my cock while still wearing black pantyhose! ! (

694 subscribers
I found a super secret spot inside the company where you can see panty shots as much as you want! I was so caught up in the panty shots through my black pantyhose that I couldn't even get to work and was gazing into it...I was caught by a female employee who was showing me the panty shots and I was in a big pinch! I was so tortured with an ass job and a foot job through black pantyhose that I couldn't bear it and got fully erect! Just insert it! ? Tajitaji in Pantyhose's Great Counterattack... *The contents may differ depending on the distribution method.
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