SSIS-659 The legendary slut comic that ranked 1st in the FANZA ranking for 24 hours, 1st in the week, and 1st in the month has been made into a live-action film under the supervision of author Nakami Taneno! Perfume Jun eaten by literature girls

FANZA ranking 24 hours/1st place Weekly/1st place Monthly/1st place! The legendary slut comic that became the origin of the huge boom in Bungaku Joshi has been made into a live-action version with original AV production under the supervision of author Nakami Taneno! I was secretly in love with a junior girl in the literature club... A taciturn and quiet junior girl is actually a fetish girl who loves the sweet advances of virgin boys! ! female
Title:SSIS-659 FANZAランキング24時間1位 週間1位 月間1位の伝説痴女コミックを作者「種乃なかみ」先生監修のもと実写化! 文学女子に食べられる 香水じゅん
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