ADN-380 Retirement I had sex with a plain female college student from a medical school in a small room of four and a half tatami mats. Mako Iga

``I want to take over my parents' clinic,'' Oda, a struggling student, always seems happy when he talks about his dream to his friends. I was gradually attracted to him. However, even though we went to the same medical school, we had never had a proper conversation until now. I needed an opportunity, so when he overslept and was late for class, I plucked up the courage to lend him my notebook. With this opportunity, the distance between me and him became much shorter. Forecast
Title:ADN-380 引退 地味な医学部の女子大生と四畳半の狭い部屋でヤリまくった。 伊賀まこ
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